Quality Improvement Teams and Continuous Medical Education (CME)
The Swedish doctors going to our cooperation hospitals work in three areas:
– ”On-the-job training” – mentorship
– Continuous Medical Education (CMEs) – sessions of appr. 45-60 min for staff to learn about new issues, Swedish doctors are leading some of those sessions
– Quality Improvement Teams (QIT), Swedish doctors are part of the these teams and can support the work the teams are doing. Regarding this last point it seems to be a challenge to get the teams working, discuss what can be realistically done with CNS.
Start here: Tips och trix vid fortbildning
This is a presentation that gives some ideas about how to work with improvement at the Kenyan hospitals.
Practical QIT training held at Kacheliba hospital in april -23:
Quality Improvement Training
Material from a training held for the QIT’s purpose and working methods in 2022 at Kwanza and Endebess. It is a lot of material, prioritize to look at Day 1.2 and Day 1.4.
Day 1.2_Defining Quality and Quality Improvement
Day 1.4_5S
Day 2.1a_Leadership in QI
Day 2.1b_Establishing QI structures
Day 2.2_Introduction to QI Tools_Prioritization Matrix
Day 2.3_Root Cause Analyais
Day 2.4_Process Maps
Day 3.1_Developing Solutions
Day 3.2_Stakeholder Analysis
Day 3.3_Perfromance Measurement
Day 4.3_QI Charter
Day 4.4_Quality Improvement M&E
Day 4.5_Accelerating QI in healthcare
GRM Overview
CMEs and other material:
Material that some of the doctors used at the different hospitals:
CME Anne-Marie Holmén:
Antibiotics and AMR
Basic hygiene Rotary
November/december 2024, Kacheliba:
CME om handhygien av Kristina Jonasson:
From Semmelweis to ourselves
September 2024, Kacheliba:
CME förberedda av Dr Bugra Merdol, men inte använda då CMEs blev inställda:
Another neglected disease-Podoconiosis
Nosocomial infections
Maj/Juli 2024 Kacheliba hospital:
CME: Antimicrobial-resistance
Infopapper utdelat i samband med CME om antimicrobial-resistance: URTI, pneumonia, GE
CME: Hypertension and diabetes
Föreläsning på speciellt organiserat möte: Quality-Improvement
Infopapper om ett enkelt triagesystem för Kacheliba: Simple triage for Kacheliba
Januari/Februari 2024 Kwanza hospital:
CME Sara Lann Hand hygien
November/December 2023 Kacheliba hosptial:
Ulla Palenius:
Diabetes typ 2 Kacheliba November 2023
August/September/Oktober 2023 Kacheliba hospital:
Siri Mårtensson:
CME malnourished child
CME periop management
CME trombos DKA HHNS
Mars/April 2023 Kacheliba hospital:
Eva Borg och Anders Dybjer:
Quality Improvement Techniques
Quality Improvement Training
Mars/April 2023 Kwanza hospital:
Lars Salmi:
Diabetes I – Ketoacidosis
Diabetes II
Januari/Februari 2023 Kacheliba hospital:
Sarah Jarnald och Malin Häggström:
TRIAGE for Kacheliba
Januari/Februari 2023 Kwanza hospital:
Margareta Wargelius:
Neck – Back pain
November/December 2022 Kacheliba hospital
Jenny Koertge:
Vomiting and diarrea_Kacheliba
Anna Danielsson:
Examination of the patient
Antibiotics Kacheliba
Material given to the hospital leadership:
Quality Improvement_Rotary doctors
Material given to Konyao leadership:
Suggestions Konya health clinic
Quality Improvement_Rotary doctors – Konyao
October 2022 Kacheliba hospital
Åsa Lundgren:
Antimicrobial resistance
Used with the Quality Improvement team:
Quality Improvement – follow-up
Common cold versus pneumonia 1
Respiratory hygiene
Vital signs adults Vital signs children
Mars 2022 Kacheliba hospital:
Anaemia Amita F
Infectious gastroenteritis (GE) (2) Amita F
Triage Malin Häggstöm
Some more about X-ray… Malin Häggström
September/October 2019:
Fractures and their treatment
Healthcare today and in the future
Patient safety
January/February 2019:
Heart failure med bilder
September/October 2018:
Presentations as PDF or power point presentations: Antibiotikaresistens senaste, Hypertension Kenya presentation, Diarrhea – Kenya