Quality Improvement Teams and Continuous Medical Education (CME)

The Swedish doctors going to our cooperation hospitals work in three areas:
”On-the-job training” – mentorship
Continuous Medical Education (CMEs) – sessions of appr. 45-60 min for staff to learn about new issues, Swedish doctors are leading some of those sessions
Quality Improvement Teams (QIT), Swedish doctors are part of the these teams and can support the work the teams are doing. Regarding this last point it seems to be a challenge to get the teams working, discuss what can be realistically done with CNS.

Start here: Tips och trix vid fortbildning
This is a presentation that gives some ideas about how to work with improvement at the Kenyan hospitals.

Practical QIT training held at Kacheliba hospital in april -23:
Quality Improvement Training

Material from a training held for the QIT’s purpose and working methods in 2022 at Kwanza and Endebess. It is a lot of material, prioritize to look at Day 1.2 and Day 1.4.
Day 1.2_Defining Quality and Quality Improvement
Day 1.4_5S
Day 2.1a_Leadership in QI
Day 2.1b_Establishing QI structures
Day 2.2_Introduction to QI Tools_Prioritization Matrix
Day 2.3_Root Cause Analyais
Day 2.4_Process Maps
Day 3.1_Developing Solutions
Day 3.2_Stakeholder Analysis
Day 3.3_Perfromance Measurement
Day 4.3_QI Charter
Day 4.4_Quality Improvement M&E
Day 4.5_Accelerating QI in healthcare
GRM Overview

CMEs and other material:

Material that some of the doctors used at the different hospitals:
CME Anne-Marie Holmén:
Antibiotics and AMR
Basic hygiene Rotary

November/december 2024, Kacheliba:
CME om handhygien av Kristina Jonasson:
From Semmelweis to ourselves

September 2024, Kacheliba:
CME förberedda av Dr Bugra Merdol, men inte använda då CMEs blev inställda:
Another neglected disease-Podoconiosis  
Nosocomial infections

Maj/Juli 2024 Kacheliba hospital:
CME: Antimicrobial-resistance
Infopapper utdelat i samband med CME om antimicrobial-resistance: URTI, pneumonia, GE
CME: Hypertension and diabetes
Föreläsning på speciellt organiserat möte: Quality-Improvement
Infopapper om ett enkelt triagesystem för Kacheliba: Simple triage for Kacheliba

Januari/Februari 2024 Kwanza hospital:
CME Sara Lann Hand hygien

November/December 2023 Kacheliba hosptial:
Ulla Palenius:
Diabetes typ 2 Kacheliba November 2023

August/September/Oktober 2023 Kacheliba hospital:
Siri Mårtensson:
CME malnourished child
CME periop management
CME trombos DKA HHNS

Mars/April 2023 Kacheliba hospital:
Eva Borg och Anders Dybjer:
Quality Improvement Techniques
Quality Improvement Training

Mars/April 2023 Kwanza hospital:
Lars Salmi:
Diabetes I – Ketoacidosis
Diabetes II

Januari/Februari 2023 Kacheliba hospital:
Sarah Jarnald och Malin Häggström:
TRIAGE for Kacheliba

Januari/Februari 2023 Kwanza hospital:
Margareta Wargelius:
Neck – Back pain

November/December 2022 Kacheliba hospital
Jenny Koertge:
Vomiting and diarrea_Kacheliba
Anna Danielsson:
Examination of the patient
Antibiotics Kacheliba
Material given to the hospital leadership:
Quality Improvement_Rotary doctors
Material given to Konyao leadership:
Suggestions Konya health clinic
Quality Improvement_Rotary doctors – Konyao

October 2022 Kacheliba hospital
Åsa Lundgren:
Antimicrobial resistance
Used with the Quality Improvement team:
Quality Improvement – follow-up
Common cold versus pneumonia 1
Respiratory hygiene
Vital signs adults Vital signs children

Mars 2022 Kacheliba hospital:
Anaemia Amita F
Infectious gastroenteritis (GE) (2) Amita F

Triage Malin Häggstöm
Some more about X-ray… Malin Häggström

September/October 2019:
Fractures and their treatment
Healthcare today and in the future
Patient safety

January/February 2019:
Heart failure med bilder

September/October 2018:
Presentations as PDF or power point presentations: Antibiotikaresistens senaste,   Hypertension Kenya presentation,   Diarrhea – Kenya